Firing Clients
Did you catch my first minisode ( Why I charge $30-40 a cut) or Episode 14 of The Rich Barber TV? That was all about FIRING CLIENTS? They both explained some very important aspects of growing my barber career: Harmony. You have to let a couple of things go to achieve this: Pleasing everyone and wanting everyone to be in your chair. It's simply not going to help you grow and growth is the most important to building your barber career. Letting the money run you! You alone run your life and your business and if your clients are...
Perfecting The Blend
Let me put you on my number one secret to perfecting the blend.. Just remove enough hair. I know we're afraid to take too much off because once its gone theirs no going back but, thats how you get it nice and tight. Here are some of my tips: #1 Remove bulk of hair before you put your first guard on a clipper. #2 Blend tight ( make sure all hairs are going the same way) #3 Control & Consistency throughout your haircut #4 Go with the tempo of the your clipper (let it guide you) #5 Always take pictures...
This month's RichBarberTV Interview: Isaiah Ford a.k.a (ZayTheBarber)
As an 18 year-old and a Barber, Isaiah is winning at life. He's self employed, confident and determined to succeed.So we asked him to give us his keys and this is what he told us.. Discipline:Friday nights and Saturday mornings Zay is cutting in the shop, learning from the barbers around him. He feels like his passion for the craft of barbering fuels the want to get better. Skills:Zay is one of the best barbers in the shop, when I take break I send my clients to him. He says he still watches YouTube videos and finds a...
Make Yourself Someone to Remember
Then you'll always have clients in your chair... The most frequent question I read is about getting and keeping clients and to me, it simply comes down too two keys: skill and personality. In the comments y'all ask: Do I pass out business cards? Do I give one cut free every five hair cuts? Really, I don't know because I never really invested my time in those marketing methods (not to say they don't work). But, I always focused on selling myself and letting my craft speak for itself. We're in the service business, because of this we have to...
How To Retain Clientele
How To Retain Clientele? I've identified 3 ways that will always keep clients in your chair.. #1 Your Skills There is no way around this one.. either you produce a fresh cut or your clients will find a barber who will. You have to take the time to perfect your barbering craft. How? Completely committing and consuming yourself with barbering.Are your fades blended? Are your line ups crisp?Can you taper on any hair length and texture?If you can't answer all of these questions with at least 98% confidence every haircut.. its time for you to grow. Invest in your time, put in the...
A Worthy Ideal
I like how the late Earl Nightingale spoke of success; not as an goal unreachable but a latter to something attainable. This is what I call ‘Latter Success’ meaning the effect of habits, conditioning and mindset that creates the person you are today and contributes to the person you want to be tomorrow. When I think of The Flash Comb I reflect on the late Earl Nightingale, who said: “ Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. If a man is working towards a predetermined goal and knows where he’s going- that man is a success.”This prophesied ideal...
The Rich Barber 10 Commandments
The Rich Barber 10 Commandments #1 Thou shall grow to become an extremely skilled barber (one of the best in your city) #2 Thou shall work by appointment only (as soon as possible, to manage time) #3 Thou shall respect clients and their time (Builds good reputation) #4 Thou shall maintain a positive mental attitude and conversation (Positively attracts, its very important) # 5 Thou shall greet clients by name and with a smile (Builds relation, loyalty & Respect) #6 Thou shall keep tools maintenance and blades sharp at all times (Better cuts and more enjoyment while working) #7...
Defining Success: Former & Latter
THE RICH BARBER SUCCESS SECRETS & KNOWLEDGE Defining Success: Former & Latter What is Success? How and when do we know when we have become a success? To define success I like how Tony Robbins explains it "Success is doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, as much as you want." But this is a form of what I call Latter Success. It is a effect and not the cause. In this modern world success is often measured by $$$, and of course we must have $$$ to have these kind of choices...